Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reset waste ink pad counter overflow error for Epson L100 printer

Reset waste ink pad counter overflow error for Epson L100 printer

FIX PRINTER ERROR "parts inside printer end service life, waste ink pad counter overflow error" 

Resetter of Epson L100 printer and How to Use it :

Reset tool of epson L100 can be downloaded at the following link Ziddu:
Extract using unzip program.

Turn on Epson L100 and make sure that Espon L100 printer is connect to the computer.
Then run Reset tool AdjProgcracked.exe, by double clicking the file "AdjProg cracked.exe"

Click "accept" Next "Particular Adjustment Mode" Then Select "Waste ink pad counter reset"
Next click "Check" Then uncheck "play pad counters, FL Boxes counter, tube Ink Counter", then click the "initialization" Then "Finish".

Turn off the Epson L100 printer, then disconnect the power of the printer.

Reattach the power cord and turn on the printer, wait a while until Epson L100 ready.
Now Epson L100 is ready for use again.