Friday, March 22, 2013

Browse » home» Firmware upgrade LJ 3055

Firmware upgrade LJ 3055

Turn off the printer .

Open the side cover where place the formatter on the right face

Here you will se a jumper

On your computer delete all hp software

Install HP 3055 pcl 6 drivers and select manualy your usb port where is connect the printer ( the printer is always off)

Download this :

Open the program select your printer and send the firmware (the printer is always off)

When the firmware is upload completly and you see the smileys on the sofrware update.

Closed the jumper P19L on the formatter and turn on the printer.

You will see message on the printer Downloading.

Open immediatly the jumper connection

Wait and you will see a message like Update successfully :)

turn off the printer

wait 5 seconds

Turn on the printer

It s ok

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